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Data repository for all Soalan Bertulis and Soalan Lisan from Johor DUN state assembly 2018-2021

All the questions are extracted from the PDF files publicly available at the Johor State Assembly website ( Files were downloaded on 21 Feb 2022.

Data dictionary:

File: Name of the PDF file where the data is extracted.

Start date: Starting date of the sitting.

Sheraton: Before of after the collapse of Pakatan Harapan Johor state government in Feb 2020.

Type: Written question (Soalan bertulis) or oral question (Soalan lisan).

Num: Number of question as stated in the file.

Rep-name-DUN: Name of the state assemblyperson who asked the question and the consituency represented.

Rep-name: Name of the state assemblyperson who asked the question

DUN: Name of the consituency

Question: Content of the question

Note: Due to format inconsistency in the PDF files, some questions were not extracted. If you need the content of the question, you should refer back to the PDF file. This issue happened to the oral questions.

Please remember that only backbenchers can ask questions. Those in the government (state exco) were the ones answering the questions. Due to the reshuffle of the state exco during Pakatan Harapan administration in 2019 and the change of government in 2020, many representatives were once backbenchers and exco members at different periods. If you want to do any comparision, this must be taken into account.

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Lauks Vērtība
Uzturētājs Kuek Ser Kuang Keng
Pēdējā atjaunināšana februāris 28, 2022, 02:49 (UTC)
Izveidots februāris 28, 2022, 02:47 (UTC)